It’s Boat show time again. This year we are going to have a new 40 and 44 Nordic Tug in the show, it should be a huge impressive display. Last year we had a 39 and 34 inside the hall and that was impressive. This to me feels like the make or break year for our brokerages as a Nordic Tug dealer.
I have been with Nordic Yachts Northwest for a year and a half now and we have made no sales of new boats. That is frustrating because as I said in my other blog
Ramblings on Yacht Sales, to make a living in his business you have to have some sort of edge. When I came to Nordic Yachts Northwest I was hoping that the prestige of being the West Coast Nordic Tug Dealer would be that edge. I can’t think of a cooler brand to represent, I love the many trips I had with my Dad and Brian on 37 and 42 Nordic Tugs. And I still think it could be the extra edge, if we can sell some boats.
So here I go into the show with high hopes to put Nordic Yachts on a roll the way the Skipper Cress of old cranked out the boat sales.
I have invested a lot of time into this yacht sales venture and I really need to make it work.
Seattle is a great show both inside and on the water. So come on down, make a day of it, and be sure to stop by and say “Hi.” It will be worth it to see our beautiful Nordic Tugs up on the hard, in the hall at the Century Link Field Event Center.
West Hall Booth 36.