I have been a long time fan of Nordic Tugs, since I saw the 26 at the Portland boat show when I was just a kid. I still love that boat. Around 2000 I had the chance to charter 42-02 “Tramper” with my dad and my good friend Brian. We even got to take a two week trip on that boat up to Desolation Sound thanks to our good friend Ed Hefty who came with and helped pay the charter cost.
Later I took sever trips with my Dad and Brian on 37 Nordic Tugs, “Options” and “Buffalo Gal II.” Our favorite destination being Princes Louisa Inlet.
Now my Dad is no longer able to take boating trips, but I plan to continue cruising with my wife Niccole. I already know that she enjoys boating, now it’s time to get her up north to see all the beauty this place has to offer.